Panel Maintenance And The Importance Of Making Sure Your Electrically Safe

Your panel is vitally important to the daily use of your home, which is why it is important to maintain your panel with periodical upgrades. Upgrading your panel every 25 to 40 years can help prevent future hazards. Over time, panels can degrade and cause loose connectivity within them.

Loose connectivity can lead to arching, tripped breakers, and in severe cases can cause wiring to overheat. A panel upgrade will improve energy efficiency and lower the opportunity for hazards and waste electricity (potentially lowering monthly cost).

When your electrical system and appliances are running more efficiently, you're using less energy overall. In addition, reducing any possible resistances in these types of systems can lower your monthly electric bill.

Its possible that cost of your homeowner's insurance will also be reduced because your updated electric panel creates a safer environment (differs per provider). A safer home can result in a discount on your annual bill.


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